Tips Need To Take Before Hajj Journey

It is the dream for all Muslims to fulfill the dream of performing hajj at least once in their life , but only the few fortunate people get the chance of visit the holy land Makkah. Hajj is the journey that needs strong will power and good physical health. Therefore it is necessary to make some essential preparation before performing Hajj. 1.Make Pray : The main step is to make a clear intention that you are performing hajj for the sake of Allah. Make lots of prayers to god to give you the health,strength to perform and complete the holy journey. 2.Pilgrimage Time and Costs. It is always better to start before.The duration of hajj pilgrimage takes up to 3 to 4 weeks some times it may extends.By talking to the travel agent you can get a rough estimation on the dates of journey and can arrange all before with planning. 3.Physical Health: It is necessary to take the necessary steps to make sure your in good health. Get a over all health checkup done by a doctor...